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Created 17-Nov-13
32 photos

Race 9 Busting out of the GateCross Traffic air bornCross Traffic flying home in the Whitney!Cross Traffic top of the stretchCross Traffic in the Post Parade-0317Cross Traffic out to the Post Parade-0307Cross Traffic with Successful Dan's head peakingCross Traffic, Mucho Macho Man & Fort Larned-0382Brian Hernandez Fort Larned Jockey- 0304J. R Velazquez on Cross Traffic coming outCsaba with L. Saez aboardEdgar Prado on Mucho Macho Man-0301Fort Larned on the Path-0303Mucho Macho Man on the Path-0300Successful Dan and Mucho Macho Man-0389East Side of the Betting StationsRail on a Staircase leading to the Clubhouse GrandstandsLadder in the gable of the grandstandLadder in the GrandstandEmpty grandstands the day of the Whitney

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